How to maintain resilience in your job search

Published on 17/09/2024

Searching for a new job can often feel like running a marathon rather than a sprint. With the average job search for the ideal job taking anywhere from three months to over a year, it’s essential to stay resilient, even in the face of rejections and setbacks.

The key to this is to develop strategies that help you maintain energy, focus and positivity throughout the process.

Here are seven ways you can build and maintain resilience during your job search journey:

1. Acknowledge Your Successes, Skills, and Achievements

It's easy to lose sight of your accomplishments when you're focused on the future, but taking stock of your strengths can boost your confidence and keep you motivated.

Network with positive people

Surround yourself with those who uplift you and remind you of your skills. Whether personal or professional connections, these people can help reignite your energy.

Celebrate your successes

Reflect on what you’ve already achieved, both big and small. This recognition will help you stay focused on the positives during your search.

2. Stay Positive

Resilience is all about maintaining optimism, even when things don’t go as planned.

Celebrate small wins

Completing applications, getting interview calls or receiving feedback are all victories. Each small step brings you closer to landing a job.

Change your perspective

It’s easy to feel discouraged when rejections pile up, but instead, see these moments as opportunities to learn and improve. If you get feedback after an unsuccessful interview or application, approach it with a positive mindset and make sure you apply what you learn in your next interview.

3. Take Breaks

Job searching can be mentally exhausting, so taking breaks is crucial for staying refreshed.

Schedule downtime

Just like you would in a job, incorporate time for yourself into your day. Taking breaks and pursuing your hobbies allows your mind to recharge and refresh.

Rest when needed

Distance yourself from the job search occasionally. Whether it’s a few hours or a few days, time away will help you return with renewed focus.

4. Take Care of Yourself

Resilience requires energy and mental strength. Maintaining a healthy routine helps you persevere.

Stick to a routine

Follow a daily schedule, even if you're unemployed. This will help keep you productive and engaged in the process.

Exercise, eat well and get enough sleep

Physical health is closely tied to mental well-being. Ensure that you’re taking care of your body so that your mind stays sharp and ready for the challenges of job searching.

5. Set Clear, Achievable Goals

Having a plan helps you stay on track and reduces feelings of overwhelm.

Use SMART goals

Break down your job search into Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals. This will keep your process structured and manageable.

Define your values and aspirations

Rather than blindly applying to every role, focus on jobs that align with your long-term goals and values. This helps ensure quality over quantity in your applications.

6. Embrace Rejection

Rejection is a natural part of the job search process, but it doesn’t have to derail you.

Don’t take it personally

Understand that rejections are often more about the company’s needs than any shortcomings in your skills or experience.

Ask for feedback

When possible, ask for constructive criticism on your application or interview performance. If feedback isn’t available, review your process to identify areas for improvement.

Learn from each experience

Rejections offer an opportunity to grow. Ask yourself what went well and what you can do better next time.

7. Stay Inspired

Inspiration can help fuel resilience, especially during tough moments.

Look for stories of perseverance

Whether it’s a mentor or a famous figure, find stories of people who overcame challenges. These examples can serve as motivation.

Keep learning

Take advantage of any downtime to improve your skills. This not only keeps you sharp but also enhances your employability.

The job search process can be a long and challenging journey, but by maintaining resilience, setting clear goals and practising self-care, you can navigate the process with greater confidence and energy.

Each step you take, even in the face of setbacks, brings you closer to finding the right role for you.

If you are looking for a new role in the insurance sector, take a look at the current jobs available now on iCAN Apply.